Create an Account

Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we'll get a new account set up for you in no time.

Account Details

Profile Details

First Name (required)

Please provide your Full First Name

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Last Name (required)

Please provide your Full Last Name

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Email Address (required)

Please enter your full email address

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Phone Number

Please enter your phone number

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Tesla Product(s) you currently own (required)

Please select the model Tesla product(s) you own. You MUST OWN at least one Tesla product to request membership into the club.

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City, State (required)

Please provide full City name and State you reside in

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Tesla Loot Box Referral Code ONLY!! DO NOT enter your Reservation Number or VIN (required)

You must be a Tesla Owner and provide your Tesla Loot Box Referral code (NOT RN# (Reservation Number) or VIN) for us to validate you are a Tesla owner. You can find your Loot Box referral code by logging into your Tesla app on your phone, select the box looking icon [2nd from the right in the top right corner], then blue "Get Started" button, Click the "Refer Now" button. Select one of your contacts and click "Refer Now." You should see your referral code. Please only provide the name and number portion. Example: Michael4126. We don't need the entire sentence before it, as it drops off the actual referral code.

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Join the club's Google Email Group (by entering your email here, Michael will add you)

If you'd like to be a part of the dedicated Tesla Owners Austin Google Email group, please provide your full email address here and Michael will add you. (Only available to members of the Austin club, which means you have registered here.)

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Please check your junk mail if you don't see the email within 5 minutes (required)

PLEASE check your junk mail folder. If you do not see an email within a few hours, please email and ask him to look for your request

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Upcoming Events - ** = Club Event

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